And Caesar's spirit, ranging for revenge,
With Ate by his side come hot from hell,
Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice
Cry 'Havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war;
That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
With carrion men, groaning for burial.
(William Shakespeare, "Julius Caesar", Act III, scene 1)

donderdag 10 januari 2008

The Dog of War Goes Hollywood

Het is officieel. Lawrence kan misschien aan de slag als figurant bij de, momenteel in pre-productie zijnde, Hollywood-film "The Hessen Affair".

Een kleine samenvatting van het verhaal:
"1945 - Castle Kronberg, outside Frankfurt, is turned into a ‘country club’ for victorious American officers. Outside, the country is starving, but within the castle walls, young Americans who have never been away from ordinary homes and jobs, find themselves jitterbugging the nights away in a palace where they are the conquerors … Princess Sophie of Hesse, the castle’s owner, fled hours before the arrival of the Yanks. She didn’t have time to move or conceal all the castle’s trea-sures. Most of the dazzled young officers confine themselves to swiping the silverware … But two, smarter and more determined than the rest – the cynical COLONEL JACK DURANT and the dazzling beautiful LIEUTENANT KATHLEEN NASH – have other ideas. While Glenn Miller foxtrots thump overhead in the ballroom, Durant and Nash bump into each other in the basement, armed with pickaxes and a mutual curiosity to find whatever else the princess might have left behind … And they do … Nash and Durant uncover the crown jewels of Germany – more diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires and pearls than are gathered in any one place outside the Tower of London. The value is beyond anyone’s ability to compute. The discovery ignites a sexual frenzy between Nash and Durant, who decide to steal the jewels – to the victors go the spoils. Nash and Durant manage to get the gems to New York, where they must deal with gangsters to fence the loot. They are out of their league and must use their wits when dealing with someone like Ben Cassidy, builder of the new Las Vegas and owner of the New York Yankees. But Cassidy and his cronies have never been presented with such a hoard as this. And it isn’t long before everyone gets greedy. The body count begins to mount around Nash and Durant. To make matters worse for the two renegade officers, Princess Sophie discovers the theft of her jew-els and complains to American army headquarters. It now turns out that her brother fought for the Allies and is about to marry the future Queen of England, Elizabeth! That’s wright, Sophie’s brother is Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh. The army is now compelled to go after Nash and Durant.
With double-crossing gangland figures trying to control the gems and the army closing in on them, will Kathy Nash and Jack Durant stay true to one other and their plan? Or will one sell the other out ? "

Om even to-the-point te komen: Ik word in Amerikaans uniform gestoken en ik mag zo wat gaan rondlopen ;)
Het leek me leuk om te doen. Laat ons maar afwachten hoe het verder afloopt...

Ik hou u allen op de hoogte.

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