And Caesar's spirit, ranging for revenge,
With Ate by his side come hot from hell,
Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice
Cry 'Havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war;
That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
With carrion men, groaning for burial.
(William Shakespeare, "Julius Caesar", Act III, scene 1)

dinsdag 4 december 2007


1.Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense. NO CHEATING!
4. Tag 10 people to play this game too.


• How are you feeling today?
Coffee and TV - Blur

• How do your friends see you?
It Came Out of the Skie - Creedence Clearwater Revival

• Will you get married?
Better on Holiday - Franz Ferdinand

• What is your best friend's theme song?
Catholic Girls (with a tiny little mustache) - Frank Zappa

• What is the story of your life?
From the Inside - Alice Cooper (en die klopt nog ook!)

• What was high school like?
Woo Hoo - The's (klopt dus niet)

• How can you get ahead in life?
Mambo En Trompeta - Perez Prado

• What is the best thing about your friends?
Get Ready - The Rare Earth

• What is today going to be like?
Frank's Death - John Murphy (28 Days Later OST)

• What is in store for this weekend?
Slipping Away - Moby

• What song describes you?
While My Guitar Gently Weeps - George Harrison & Eric Clapton

• To describe your grandparents?
Roof is Leaking - Phil Collins

• How is your life going?
Strange Brew - Cream

• What song will they play at your funeral?
Thank You - Led Zeppelin (hier heb ik valsgespeeld :P Maar ik wil dat nummer op m'n begrafenis. Link)

• How does the world see you?
Going Down Slow - Johnny Winter

• Will you have a happy life?
The Union Forever - The White Stripes

• What do your friends really think of you?
Stone Blue - Foghat

• Do people secretly lust after you?
Born Slippy - Underworld (zou dat goed zijn?)

• How can I make myself happy?
To Be Young - Ryan Adams

• What should you do with your life?
Rock n Roll High School - The Ramones

• Will you ever have children?
Boom Boom - The Animals (hahahahahahaha :D)

Doe mij een plezier en post uw eigen resultaten bij de comments ;)

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