And Caesar's spirit, ranging for revenge,
With Ate by his side come hot from hell,
Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice
Cry 'Havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war;
That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
With carrion men, groaning for burial.
(William Shakespeare, "Julius Caesar", Act III, scene 1)

zaterdag 18 augustus 2007

Vakbibliografie aka "Dope"

Grootste deel van de werken die in mijn bibliotheek te vinden zijn.

2000 jaar Moderne Oorlogvoering

* Frank Decat
Afghanistan Country Study Handbook
Band of Brothers
* Stephen E. Ambrose
Bastogne: De Slag om de Ardennen
* Michael Tolhurst
Beeld en Balkan: Srebrenica
* B. Naarden
Black Hawk Down (Eng. en Ned.)
* Mark Bowden
Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army
* Jeremy Scahill
Bravo Two Zero
* Andy McNab
Caesar's War Commentaries
* Gaius Julius Caesar
Combat Surgeons
* John Laffin
Counter Sniper Guide
* Stephen E. Ambrose
D-Day 1944
* Robin Neillands & Roderick de Normann
De Hel die Europa Heet
* Peter Schrijvers
De Leeuw van Vlaanderen
* Hendrik Conscience
De periode na 1945
* Cpt. Nopens, KMS
De Tweede Wereldoorlog
* Luc de Vos
De XIXe eeuw, de 1ste Wereldoorlog en de Russische Revolutie
* Henri Bernard, KMS
Deception in War
* John Latimer
General Patton: A Soldier's Life
* Stanly P. Hirshon
Ghost Force: The Secret History of the SAS
* Ken Connor
Guerilla Warfare
* Ernesto 'Ché' Guevara
Heroes, U.S. Army Medal of Honor Recipients
* Barrett Tillman
Het Interbellum
* Henri Bernard, KMS
Het Verval en de Ineenstorting van de Nieuwe Orde
* Henri Bernard, KMS
* Herodotos van Halicarnassos
History of the Peloponesian War
* Thucydides
Il Principe
* Machiavelli
Illustrated Manual of Sniper Skills
* Mark Spicer
In the Name of Rome
* Adrian Goldsworthy
Inside Delta Force
* Eric L. Haney
Internationale Betrekkingen van 1815 tot Heden
* Luc de Vos
Jane's Special Forces Recognition Guide
* Ewen Southby-Tailyour
* Anthony Swofford
Keizers van Rome
* Suetonius
* Robert D. Kaplan
Les Belges en Coree 1951-1955
* Lt. Gen. Albert Crahay
Les Quatres Bras - 16 juin 1815
* Alain Arcq
Mei '40 (België)
* Peter Taghon
Militaire Ethiek
* A.H.M. van Iersel
Militaire Kentekens
* William Fowler
Moderne Oorlogen Winnen
* Wesley K. Clark
Mijn Oorlog
* Colby Buzzell
NATO Chronology
NATO Handbook
NAVO: Partnerschap en Samenwerking
On War and Leadership
* Owen Connely
Out of Nowhere - A History of the Military Sniper
* Martin Pegler
Pegasus Bridge
* Stephen E. Ambrose
Rainbow Six
* Tom Clancy
Red Storm Rising
* Tom Clancy
Rising '44: The Battle of Warsaw
* Norman Davies
Romance and Legend of Chivalry
* A.R. Hope Moncrieff
SAS Commando
* Andy McNab
* Alfred Stenzel
Shadow Warriors: Inside the Special Forces
* Tom Clancy & Gen. Carl Stiner (ret.)
Small Unit Leadershop: a Commonsense Approach
* Dandridge M. Malone
Soldier Five
* Mike Coburn
Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks STP 21-1-SMCT
Survival: The SAS Handbook
* John Wiseman
Tactics of the Crescent Moon: Militant Muslim Combat Methods
* John H. Poole
Terugblik op D-Day
* Martin Bowman
The Battle for Kuwait
* Tom Clancy
The Battle History of the US Marines
* Col. Joseph H. Alexander
The Civil War and the Wars of the 19th Century
* Brian Holden Reid
The Eye of War (Words and Photographs from the Front Line)
* John Keegan & Phillip Knightley
The Last Valley: The Battle of Dien Bien Phu
* Martin Windrow
The One that Got Away
* Chris Ryan
The Oxford Book of Military Anecdotes
* Max Hastings
The Oxford Companion to Military History
* Richard Holmes
The Reason Why: The Fatal Charge of the Light Brigade
* Cecil Woodham-Smith
The Roman Army
* Vegetius
The SAS Fighting Techniques Handbook
* Terry White
The Spartans
* Paul Cartledge
The Illiad
* Homeros
The U.S. Army Leadership Field Manual
* The Center for Army Leadership
The Ultimate Basic Training Guidebook
* Sgt. Michael Volkin
Tien Dagen tot D-Day
* David Stafford
U.S. Army Ranger Handbook
* U.S. Department of Defense
United States Marine Corps
* Chester G. Hearn
US Marines (Marine Expeditionary Force)
* Tom Clancy
Vom Kriege
* Carl von Clausewitz
We Were Soldiers Once... And Young
* Lt. Gen. Harold G. Moore
What Every Person Should Know About War
* Chris Hedges
Zoeklicht op Rommel's Nederlaag
* C. Stubbe

5 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Mag ik uw bibliotheek overerven? :p

Anoniem zei

en stelletje mislukte militairen

Anoniem zei

wat natuurlijk anoniem gepost wordt..

(al doet het hoofdletterwoord wel een belletje rinkelen)

Lawrence zei

ik denk dat we wat op dezelfde lijn denken...

Anoniem zei

ring ring, wie zou het toch zijn :-)